Our Story
All about The Chef
My name is Grayce Holloway. I am the owner of Icing for Izaac. I am married to my high school sweetheart and the love of my life, Eric. We have been together over 10 years and we have 5 beautiful children. I have been baking for over 10 years along side my mom who has 30 years experience. She has shared with me all of her culinary secrets and I have put them to good use. I launched my business in March of 2019 and it was the best decision I have ever made!
“You will encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated”
Who is Izaac?
Izaac is my “baby b”. December 20, 2017 I walked innocently into my routine ultrasound for my identical twins. I had no idea this day would change my life, forever. Baby A ( Zaden ) was big and beautiful and wiggly with the most beautiful heart beat I had ever heard, & Baby B ( Izaac ) was a bit smaller and still, with no heart beat at all. 25 more weeks I shared with both of my boys and then I said goodbye to one of them forever. It was as traumatic as you can imagine. It broke me in ways I didn’t know that I could be broken. I was so so scared that Zaden would feel alone in the world without his other half and I was equally as scared that Izaac would be forgotten.
How it All Started
I started making cakes again just to keep myself busy and help with my grief and postpartum depression.After the response from my first couple customers, I decided to follow this calling and see where it leads me. Izaac was my motivation. I wanted to make sure that he wasn’t forgotten. I wanted to make the name for him, that he didn’t get a chance to make for himself. Cakes make me so happy. I love every part of the process. I never ever thought my little home cake shop would get this big. I am more grateful than you will ever know, my heart and hands are so full. I can’t believe that thousands of people know his name, they know our story and they support us unconditionally.
certified !
In August of 2020 I moved from my home kitchen to a commercial kitchen and became board of health certified. March 2021 I am Servsafe Certified as well. I also hired 2 team members! I am a small town momma with big, big dreams and I wasn’t gonna stop there!
On the Laning
In August of 2021 I moved in to Alto Grado downtown on the landing. Rick Doering, the owner, welcomed me into his store with open arms and made us feel like family from the first night I spent baking there. I am forever grateful for my 1.5 years there with him. I was able to grow my team to 6 and I was able to expand my menu and my customer base! This photo is from the night before my grand opening and Rick showed up with pizza for me and my team. I am forever grateful for him.
Grand Opening
April 1, 2023 we opened our storefront on Lima Rd. inside of Airport North Office Park. This has been an absolute dream come true. Our store is stunning on the inside and my team here is top of the line. I am so honored to be serving the greater Fort Wayne and surrounding areas. We have quickly become a destination location and we have been seeing customers coming in from hours away! I appreciate you all for your love and support this far and I cant wait for you to see what we are doing next!
Giving Back
My favorite part about my business is that I am able to give back in so many ways.
I give all of the profits from my “twin apparel” to “Walk to Remember, INC.” This is my local support group that holds a pregnancy and infant loss walk each year for grieving parents to come together and find resources for healing.
2019 I was able to donate $500 to the event.
2020 I was able to donate $250 to the event.
2021 I was able to donate $500 to the event.
2022 I was able to donate $500 to the event.
I am looking forward to many more opportunities to give back in the future.